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Contact Us:
Our Examiners are all volunteers, not employees. This is not a business, so we do not provide instant responses via email or phone. To reach us, please email the address provided at the bottom of each page. Given that our volunteers have regular jobs, responses may take up to 24 hours, excluding holidays or system outages.
Please refrain from contacting us or the FCC about your license status until ten business days have passed. For quick answers, refer to our FAQ section. Additionally, some of our retired members actively monitor our Facebook Group and can assist with questions there. Use the Facebook button on the Home Page to join the group.
Room Preparation
- An acceptable room is a room free of distractions and includes a door to prevent anyone from entering. Great choices are restrooms or closets, but these are not the only choices that work well.
- Please open any closet doors or shower curtains for the scan and then close them for the exam.
- The following choices of a room are NOT allowed: No vehicles or outdoor locations and no location that has uncontrollable noise or distractions.
- A desk, countertop, or table is good. Laps and other options can work. Please DO NOT SIT on a BED! Do not sit on couches or in chairs that recline or rock. Please be respectful of the exam team and the exam. This is a formal exam and should not be taken lightly.
- Clear the room of all exam and non-exam materials, notes, books, posters, computer screens, or anything that could aid in taking the exam. Many people just use a bathroom, and that simplifies everything.
- Clear your exam table and floor of ALL items within reach or view that would raise suspicion, such as papers, sticky notes, electronic items, monitors, headphones, drink containers, waste baskets, vapes, ashtrays, tobacco products, and anything unnecessary for the exam.
- Clear the room of any distracting items that could take your attention off of the exam. No drinks, food, hat, watch, calculators, vapes or tobacco products.
- Clear the room of all amateur radio related materials, notes, books, posters, computer screens, or anything that could aid in taking the exam.
- Clear the room of any distracting things that could take your attention off of the exam.
- Warn family members not to enter the room during the exam. Also make sure they do not make any loud noises that can be heard in the exam session. This would include barking dogs or cats meowing loudly.
- You must not have in the exam room any other people or pets.
- When in Waiting Room, do NOT test screen share or any other functions of zoom, doing so will result in you being removed from the session!!!
Contact Us:
Our Examiners are all volunteers, not employees. This is not a business, so we do not provide instant responses via email or phone. To reach us, please email the address provided at the bottom of each page. Given that our volunteers have regular jobs, responses may take up to 24 hours, excluding holidays or system outages.
Please refrain from contacting us or the FCC about your license status until ten business days have passed. For quick answers, refer to our FAQ section. Additionally, some of our retired members actively monitor our Facebook Group and can assist with questions there. Use the Facebook button on the Home Page to join the group.